+44 (0) 117 325 4168
Red London double decker bus on a street
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A speedy software configuration for one of the UK’s leading transport companies​


The client had recently purchased the EHS reporting platform, Enablon and needed it configuring for their complex requirements. With over 3,300 indicators to analyse and a tight deadline for their CSR report, they needed a team to come in and help make it happen. ​

Red London double decker bus on a street
Hands pointing at a laptop screen


We collaborated closely with Enablon to develop the initial system requirements and tailored the configuration to meet the specific needs of our client. This involved an in-depth analysis to ensure all requirements were met effectively. Subsequently, we assisted the client in finalising their Key Performance Indicator (KPI) sets and constructing a robust framework for managing these KPIs.

We then went on to provide hands-on support, which allowed our client to collect the necessary data they needed for their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report. This was a critical phase due to the tight deadlines involved, and we ensured the client had all the resources and assistance required to meet their reporting obligations.

Following the successful completion of this milestone, we continued to offer comprehensive system support through our dedicated technical help desk. This ongoing support was crucial in maintaining system stability and functionality, and has allowed them to  smoothly transition to self-sufficiency. The support also included training and assistance until they were fully prepared to manage the system independently.


  • A straightforward data capture solution 
  • Technical expertise at speed 
  • Ongoing support, removing internal capacity pressures