Our materiality assessment results – finding our focus
This year, we’ve been kickstarting our own sustainability strategy – something that we know often gets pushed down the list for small companies with a lot going on!
One of the first steps was to engage our stakeholders and find out where to direct our efforts so we can make the most impact. Enter the materiality assessment. As a quick summary, a materiality ssessment is a crucial tool for identifying key sustainability concerns, enabling businesses to align their strategies, prioritise actions, and promote transparency. Today, we’re excited to share the results of our recent survey and shed light on the issues that are most important to us and our stakeholders.
How did we decide on which topics to include?
Conducted by our Marketing Executive Chloe and guided by Principal Consultant Julia, the process was a great learning experience. We wanted to come up with a list of twenty topics that our stakeholders could prioritise. This takes some narrowing down, as sustainability encompasses so many important areas. You can take a look at our previous blog posts about materiality assessments, and the meaning of double materiality, where we explain our process in more detail. For our own assessment, we considered:
- Industry trends within business services and technology
- Global sustainability frameworks
- Our key values: Empowered, Accurate, Transparent and Visionary.
- Our wider business goals and strategy
This holistic approach ensured that our assessment was rooted in an understanding of our ecosystem.
So, the results
Our materiality assessment was a collaborative effort, and we gained valuable insight from our employees, senior leadership, clients and community stakeholders. Here are the results:
We zoomed into our results to show where the differences lie. Now, we can see the results and make decisions based on what truly matters most. We’ll really dive into the ones that are important to both stakeholders and the business (top right).
What next?
This leads us to the next step, deciding which topics to focus on. And more of that to come! Our Materiality Assessment is not a static document, but a live piece of work that reflects our commitment to purposeful sustainability.
Stay tuned to see where our materiality assessment results will lead us, and thank you to everyone who took part.