+44 (0) 117 325 4168
Commercial office space
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A custom research piece and sustainability roadmap for Moventi


Office furniture designer Moventi had already made sustainability a priority when they approached our team. They had completed their first carbon footprint, were purchasing credible offsets to be carbon-positive, and were certified by FISP (Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme). However, with only a small team, they were limited in their capacity to keep up with competitors, who were beginning to include exciting environmental product disclosures with detailed Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs). Moventi were unsure what data they would need and how to get started. They sought our help to determine which certifications would be the most relevant, how to obtain them, and what other sustainability data they should be reporting on. Our expertise could help them provide the proof of sustainability performance their customers were asking for.

Services provided Sustainability consultancy
sustainable plant wall
Office chair and plants


When getting started, we knew that we had to find out as much as possible about what Moventi needed to be doing to meet customer demands and reporting standard requirements. Studying regulatory trends, interviewing key customers and reviewing competitor publications, our Senior Sustainability Consultant Jonno got to work developing a custom research piece. We also looked at Moventi’s internal data, systems and maturity on sustainability data management, working closely with their team to understand what data was available, how it was managed and how to fill any gaps. Analysing these two research pieces allowed us to identify clear action points and create a structured roadmap for Moventi to follow on their path to sustainable success.

Moventi have established sustainability as a major factor in the company’s progression. To deliver on our ambitious programme we were looking to partner with a forward thinking sustainability consultancy to help create a roadmap and action plan. Sustainit proved to be an excellent partner who helped us understand, identify and deliver on our expectations.

– Ed Nunn, Managing Director at Moventi


  • Demystified jargon and provided clear explanations when working closely with directors
  • Confident and educated team upskilled about sustainability topics and industry trends
  • The implementation of Moventi’s first waste data system
  • Robust understanding of how to meet customer demands and regulatory requirements, with a clear roadmap to fill gaps in their data and carbon footprint reporting.
  • Set up to develop a complete bill of materials, allowing Moventi to calculate product carbon footprints and provide high quality environmental product disclosures.
Woman sat at a table writing a Sustainability Action Plan.

Start your sustainability journey with us