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Our impact

We want to make sustainability more than a goal—it’s a measurable, achievable reality. Our commitment is not just to data; it’s to a greener, more responsible world.

Top view of a road going through fir trees
Two people look at a wall of plants

Past impact, future progress

We have calculated our carbon emissions from 2013 to 2022, gradually improving the quality of our scope 3 data. Read the summarised version here.

2013-2022 emissions data

Our full impact report is currently a work in progress! In 2023, we conducted a materiality assessment to find out where our impact lies. You can see the results in the blog post here.

This, in combination with our emissions data, will help us develop our targets and long-term strategy. In the meantime, take a look at our archive of impact reports to see the milestones and successes that shape our ongoing dedication to sustainability.


Pink laptop and title of blog - Our first year as a Motherboard signatory Sustainit

Advocacy and research


We have been signatories of the MotherBoard charter for 2 years now. We’re proud to support their mission to drive change for working mums working in data and tech.

Check out Head of People and Culture Charlie’s key takeaways from their event on reproductive health here. You can also read her guest blog post – Our first year as a MotherBoard Signatory feat. Sustainit

TechTalent Charter

The Tech Talent Charter’s commitment to using data for actionable change resonates with our mission for a more inclusive tech landscape. We submitted our data to the Tech Talent Charter’s diversity survey in 2023, joining a collective effort to drive meaningful progress.

Better Business Act

We’re committed to reshaping business by advocating to change the law so that every single company in the UK, whether big or small, takes ownership of its social and environmental impact.

Katie volunteering and digging potatoes
Team volunteering day

Volunteering initiatives

Beyond data, we believe in hands-on action. Our team actively contributes to positive change through volunteering, with two days a year to dedicate our time elsewhere. Since 2014, we’ve donated a total of 283 hours of our time through volunteering. This year, we’ve set ourselves the ambitious target of 238 hours!

Most recently, we had the privilege of volunteering at Elm Tree Farm, a local farm owned by the Brandon Trust. Seeing their impactful work was really inspiring, so it was great to contribute our efforts and get stuck in. From weeding tomatillos and picking apples, to digging up potatoes and planting seeds we’re so proud of everything we accomplished to give back to our community.

Watering can

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